Twenty two years ago…..

It’s twenty two, long years since the great love of my life died, on Good Friday.

Such a bittersweet day of memories….22 years img697.jpg, 2
one of the saddest thoughts is the wish that he could see my garden, which today is flourishing with blossom on the Blackthorn, and on the Magnolias and the Amelanchiers, surrounded with wild primroses at their feet.
The blackthorn are like pearl necklaces around distant fields.

on Jura mg703Francie and Norman mg702

We were together for seven wild, wicked and wonderful years… a friend commented:
“Sure, that was a relationship made in the depths of heaven!”.

These photo’s were from when we were up in Jura…..a wild place that forged and tempered his wild and free spirit, and my favourite photo of Francie with Norman.  (I will write stories about Norman another time, a great teuchter!).

Now and then I dream of Francis, and for a day or two it’s as if we were together yesterday.

It can be sad to be the sole sanctuary for all the memories of our times together…..


Three months after Frank died, I was offered a sculpture residency by the Scottish Forestry, out of the blue.
I’d never carved anything taller than about 12 inches before…and I doubt that I’d have had the nerve, but for being demented with grief. Eight weeks, in a tiny caravan in the midst of midge infested forestry, with just my dog and a radio,  was the perfect sanctuary.
This was my carving for Francis, inscribed “Tha mi lan ionndrain na dheidh fhein”…..I am full of the loneliness after himself.
Whilst looking for the photo, a song came unbidden to mind. It’s a song I used to sing, many moons before I met Francis.
“It’s fifty long springtimes since she was a bride,
But still you may see her at each Whitsuntide,
In a dress of white linen and ribbons of green,
As green as her memories of loving.”  A lovely version by Tim Hart and Maddy Prior.

Enough open heart soul surgery, for the day that’s in it!

9 responses to “Twenty two years ago…..

  1. Aw Charlie…I never knew. What lovely photos and beautiful words; especially: ”It can be sad to be the sole sanctuary for all the memories of our times together”. Thank you for sharing this.xxxxxxx


  2. Hi Charlie,I loved reading all that. Takes me back too, I have to be so carefull not to remember too much. I hade a great time indulging, for the last …..years, wallowing more like it, it was great!! Thankyou for liking my page, allways so good to talk to you. must meet again soon one day. all my love Fiona XXXX

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Fiona, by writing the blog, I feel I can lay some things to rest…not wallowing but trying to see patterns and make sense of all the disparate parts of my life. I only came back to Jura once after Frank died, with Freda that time. I wonder how I’d find it now? I’d certainly LOVE to see you again, so ye never know! Big Hugs! Charlie xxxx


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